Hi everyone
I can't believe that its the 1st May already, I hope you are all well and have had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.
Mine hasn't been easy I have still been bad with my breathing but also my back and I am now coughing like my life is depending on it but hopefully I will improve I am back at work on Thursday so I am determined to be better for then. All I have really done is play on Mass Effect on my PS4 and watch TV which I suppose could be worse.
I have started reading Crazy is my Superpower by A.J Mendez Brooks and its been really good so far can't wait to dive more and more into her life she is an amazing role model and worth the time to read. Full review will follow once I have completed the book.
What is everyone reading and watching at the minute I think my night is going to be taken by my PS4 and my lovely game Mass Effect.